Results for Week 5; December 7, 2021
Thank you!
The league would not work without the help all of you provided each week.
Toughest Week Yet!
The league description states, “We will use varying distances and obstacles to create progressively more difficult, and interesting putts.” That was on clear display for week 5. Week 5 had the most difficult layouts of the season. There were a lot of discs on the floor this week scattered around the baskets. Kudos to you for all the made putts.

Top 3 League Totals
The top three point getters and the discs they chose were:
Pat Mehls: 1,002, chose a disc from Lina’s on Landing.
David Copp: 967, green star Aviar
Bill O’Dell: 907, red Katana
Flying Disc Pro Shop Chip Draw Disc Winners.
Week 1: Jim Palmeri, chose an orange Innova Champion Corvette from Royce Racinowski of The Flying Disc Pro Shop.
Week 2: Brett Chipman, chose a disc from Lina’s on Landing.
Week 3: Ryan Caferra, chose a purple Discraft Sol from Royce Racinowski of The Flying Disc Pro Shop.
Week 4: Elise Lieberman, chose a yellow Innova Orc from Royce Racinowski of The Flying Disc Pro Shop.
Week 5: John Kelley, chose a blue Innova Orc from Royce Racinowski of The Flying Disc Pro Shop.

Putting Challenge: Lay Up, Step up.
The putting challenge was won by Brett Chipman (disc golf cap provided by Elise and Kyle Lieberman), and the 2nd spot was claimed by Path Mehls (UV flashlight). The third spot was chosen by a chip draw and that was won by Bill O’Dell (Buffalo Bills winter hat).
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Scoring Data
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