Week 4, Stuck In Traffic Delay
Thank you all for rolling with the delay!
Snowfall on week 4 caused multiple accidents and greatly lengthened commute times. Some people were stuck in traffic for nearly an hour. I did not want anyone to miss putting, so I decided to delay the chip draw for the start of round 1.
I want to thank all of you for rolling with the delayed start time so that the late arrivals did not miss putting in round 1.
For Week 5 – Holiday Putting
For week 5, I will be playing my Holiday Music playlist. Feel free to don some holiday garb if you are so inspired.
Players with the top 3 point totals get a prize (unless they already won a chip draw)
NOTE: Players can win 2 prizes during the league. They can win 1 for a chip draw (or have one of the top 3 point totals) AND win 1 for a Putting Challenge. However, a player cannot win 2 chip draw prizes or win 2 Putting Challenge prizes.
The players with the top 3 point totals, that did not win a chip draw, get a prize. To spread out the prizes, a player can win a prize for the chip draw or league total points. If one of the top 3 point-getters already won a chip draw prize, the prize will be given to the next highest point-getter who did not win a chip draw prize.
The same will apply to the Putting Challenge – one player cannot receive 2 Putting Challenge prizes. If a player who won a previous Putting Challenge wins again, they get to pick another player to receive the Putting Challenge prize.
Prizes from Week 4 Putting Challenge are added to Week 5 Putting Challenge
Since there was no Week 4 Putting Challenge, my solution is that I will add the Week 4 Putting Challenge prizes to the Week 5 Putting Challenge. … Oh, yeah – and since Week 5 is the Holiday putting night, giving away more prizes is perfect!
Ho, Ho, Ho! St. Nick!
For those that already won a Putting Challenge, if you win the Putting Challenge on week 5, you get to play St. Nick and give away your Putting Challenge victory to a player you pick. Ho, Ho, Ho!
Adding Scores During Putting Challenge
I will be adding up scores to determine point totals during the Putting Challenge. After the Putting Challenge, we will do the Chip Draw and then award prizes for the top 3 point totals. After the chip draw and the top 3 point total prizes, prizes will be awarded for the Putting Challenge.

Flying Disc Pro Shop Chip Draw Disc Winner.
Royce Racinowski of The Flying Disc Pro Shop provided discs available for the chip draw winner each week.
- Week 1: Ron Shamp won the chip draw and chose a yellow Innova Star Sidewinder.
- Week 2: Kevin Schlegel won the chip draw and instead of choosing a disc, he chose a DemoGrid UV flashlight.
- Week 3: Ken Crumpler won the chip draw and chose an orange Athena.
- Week 4: Dan Palvina won the chip draw and chose a red Ape.
Thank You For Bringing The Good Equipment!
Dave and Jen Copp brought a high-quality basket, and so did Nick Stewart. With those baskets, we did not have to use two of my lower-quality, lightweight baskets that are easy for me to transport but don’t catch as well.
League Total Points: Top 12 Rounds (Best rounds from any 4 weeks).
The points for a player’s top 12 scores (from any 4 weeks) are used for the point totals on the leaderboard. If a player attended all 5 weeks the lowest 3 scores will be dropped. If a player attended 4 weeks (12 rounds or less), all of their round scores will be used for the leaderboard.
The scores have been posted. Click the following link to View League Totals.